Our Work

HR Consultancy

We work primarily in the manufacturing industry, but have expertise to work in all fields. We provide a comprehensive HR consultancy. This could range from developing a bespoke HR package for you to dealing with complex HR issues within your organisation.

Health and Safety Consultancy

We offer a full Health & Safety consultancy ranging from developing Health and Safety policies to carrying out full health and safety risk assessments.

Social Media Management

We manage your social media platforms. We have specialists in developing and maintaining all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and tailoring them to have maximum positive impact for your business.

HR/Entry Systems

We are the exclusive licence holders for the supply and fitting of Swype entry system products. As
your business grows, you will understand that it is important to keep excellent records and in the
area of Human Resources and this has never been more important. Employers are expected to meet
legal requirements in terms of records and additional HR burdens such as pensions and changing tax
rules have made this task harder with each passing year. 
HRMS offers you a comprehensive and detailed way to record all staff members, their personal details, their work records and any additional information you require – all in one place that is easy to access and simple to use.

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Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.

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07828 319725

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[email protected]

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